
How Many Oz In A Smart Water Bottle

Glaceau Smartwater Bottle Overview

Water has forever been our lifeblood. Merely it's also our leash, tethering humanity to its catamenia, keeping our pioneers from venturing into the wild unknowns of the world. Over many millennia our brightest minds have worked out new ways to carry h2o beyond long distances: everything from beast bladders to woven institute matter to pottery. Human ingenuity never ceases to astonish me.

Modern mean solar day explorers are fortunate to alive in a fourth dimension when one of the best h2o-carrying devices to take always existed is stocked by the pallet upon grocery store shelves, and information technology commonly costs a buck or two. That'southward correct, I'thousand talking most the Smartwater Bottle, brought to you by Glaceau. Don't gyre your eyes — you know the one.

Smartwater bottles are cheap, durable, featherlight, and fit into just most whatever water bottle pocket on any backpack. Y'all tin can observe them almost anywhere and they come with the water inside!

For these reasons we're awarding the Glaceau Smartwater Bottle our Budget Option award for the Ultralight Backpacker.

Smartwater Bottle Star Rating

  • Hat
  • Durability
  • Form Factor
  • Drinkability


The Smartwater Canteen is a bones, dispensable bottle that can be found in gas stations, grocery stores, and well-nigh any roadside stop. And yet, information technology's one of the about common bottles for the backcountry due to its lightweight and sleek design, the fact that information technology threads with popular water filters, and bcause it's merely so darn inexpensive.

Now, we know what yous're thinking. A dispensable, $1 water bottle every bit an laurels winning product? The reality is that many folks on the trail, particularly thru-hikers and weight-conscious backpackers, utilize a Smartwater Bottle. Our goal is to tell you what works in the wild, and this water bottle does the pull a fast one on.

Read below for the total Smartwater Bottle review.

Smartwater Bottle 1L Specifications

Feature Type Characteristic Specs What This Means
Weight 1.2 oz. ( 34 g) when empty This is near as light every bit you're going to become for any water bottle.
Volume 32 oz. (1 L) One liter of water is typical for backpacking activities.
Body Material Plastic, Generic This is very bones plastic. It will dent, puncture, and crumple if put under heavy strain. Nonetheless information technology'due south stronger than many other disposable water bottles.
Oral fissure Type Narrow The Smartwater lids are very minor. You can't fit an ice cube in them, and for hydration tabs (like Nuun) you accept to break them in half. Piece of cake to drink from.
Chapeau Very bones screw on cap Basic Smartwater Bottles come with a simple screw on/off cap. Yous can become them with a squeeze lid with a protector cap if you're looking for something fancy.
Superlative 12 in. (30 cm) This is a tall, narrow bottle. Fits hands in backpack side pockets.
Base Diameter 2.75 in. (7 cm) Very narrow, particularly compared to other more robust bottles. Practiced for gripping.
Mouth Diameter ane in. (ii.five cm) A tiny oral cavity. Great for drinking, non great for putting annihilation in the bottle.
Free Of BPA This is a dispensable bottle, then information technology doesn't win whatever awards for all-time materials used. That said, it is BPA complimentary.
Other Sizes 16.9 oz, 20 oz, 23.7 oz, 1L, one.5 50 Glaceau offers the Smartwater Canteen in many sizes. The i liter version is the all-time suited for backpacking, and the one usually found at gas stations.
Manufacturer Warranty N/A This is a dispensable water bottle. You're actually paying for the water, not the bottle. It'southward non refundable.
Retail Price $1.00 This is an estimate, but the toll is lower than anything you'll observe on our site!

Gear Review of the Glaceau Smartwater Canteen

Revelation: The Moment I Knew

The Smartwater Bottle has been my backpacking water canteen of choice for years. That said I simply used it for drinking clean water until, one day on the trail, I learned it could help me filter muddied h2o besides.


Smartwater Bottles look good on the trail.

When I offset started using the Sawyer Clasp water filtration system I speedily broke through a number of Sawyer and Platypus water bladders. The seams at the cervix would e'er pop. Those plastic pouches are no match for my super-stiff squeezing muscles, apparently.

One 24-hour interval, upon hearing my frustrations, a passing hiker told me to try screwing a Smartwater Bottle into the other terminate of my h2o filter. Then simply "squeeze" the dirty water through.

And information technology worked! I was done destroying bladders from that day forward. Now someday you take hold of me out in the wilds I've got one "dirty water" Smartwater Bottle and one clean ane. Double fisting, as the kids say.


The "dirty" Smartwater Canteen sits in my backpack pocket equally such, with the Squeeze attached and ready to filter.

Digging Deeper


The lid is the universal "small" size for dispensable water bottles. The threads are the same as nearly other disposable bottles, and piece of work specifically with the Sawyer Squeeze or Sawyer MINI filters and other, larger filters with water bottle adaptors.


The Smartwater Bottle lid is archetype for well-nigh disposable water bottles. Tiny, which is great for drinking. These threads are also the "universal" ones that fit with a lot of different water filters.

The lid screws down tight onto the Smartwater Bottle ensuring a good seal, even subsequently a lot of use. That said, it's small, doesn't attach automatically, and is therefore easy to misplace or driblet down a cliff, so be conscious of that.


Smartwater Bottles tin can take a beating. I've dropped them on rocks and squeezed the hell out of them when filtering with the Sawyer Squeeze. The canteen will go crinkled and scarred, but I've never had one leak on me, and there have been times when I used the same bottles for months at a time on thru-hikes.


About a thousand squeezes in, a Smartwater Bottle is still going strong.

Form Factor

This bottle is a little longer and thinner than your average one liter water or soda bottle. It fits well in every backpack side pocket I've ever used, and its length just makes it that much easier to grab. Your hand comfortably wraps effectually it, dissimilar those chunky Gatorade bottles or more burly water bottles.


Easy to store and hold.


Flows well and only out of the small lid. The best part is that you can squeeze the canteen and gush cool h2o all over your face on a hot day. Ahh…!



What about the penguins?

The only real downside is that it'southward a disposable bottle, and y'all volition somewhen toss it to catch a new ane at the side by side town or before your next trip (considering information technology comes with free h2o, so why non?). Recycling is usually an option in trail towns, just not always, and even if you do recycle the canteen who knows where it will really end up.

Concluding Word

The pinnacle of human engineering science? Mayhap. The Glacaeu Smartwater Bottle can hold its ain against whatsoever outdoor water canteen on the market, and it costs as much as that processed bar y'all were going to catch anyhow. If you need a water bottle, just buy information technology.

Where to Buy Glaceau Smartwater Canteen

We know, this is a unique and surprising review, merely the reality is it'due south an astonishing slice of backpacking gear. You probably know what a Smartwater Bottle is and where to go 1. In instance you don't, go to almost any gas station, roadside stop with a refrigerated section, or grocery store in the U.S., and yous'll notice them. You tin likewise buy in bulk.

A Glaceau Smartwater Bottle typically costs about $1. If you lot desire to buy them in majority, you tin can below.

Arthur McMahon — Lead Editor

Arthur is Pb Editor of He loves to walk. Information technology's equally simple equally that. He believes walking is the best way to experience the world. Thru-hiking the Pacific Crest Trail was his first backpacking foray, and he hasn't stopped since. Follow his personal adventures and stories at and on Instagram.

Review Policy: Nosotros do not have payments or gifts from brands and vendors, and strive to provide unbiased, independent communication. Brands typically provide review samples which we render, and in some cases we purchase the particular so nosotros tin can keep using it long after the review. Chapter Policy: Nosotros back up the hours that go into our reviews and testing through chapter commissions on purchases made through links in this article. These don't issue the outcome of our reviews or selection of gear, as per our Review Policy.

How Many Oz In A Smart Water Bottle,


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