
How Often Should You Water Seedlings Indoors

Caring for your own plant nursery for the very first fourth dimension is no like shooting fish in a barrel task. In that location are a lot of things you still need to experience equally a showtime time gardener. Starting seeds indoors and keeping those seedlings alive requires a lot of endeavour, skill and observation.

I've written about seedling mistakes before, and improper watering is by far the most frequent fault new gardeners make. So I've decided to devote an entire article on watering seedlings. We'll embrace watering methods, signs your trays demand watering and how often to exercise information technology for optimal bulb health.

Indoor seedlings need watering every couple of days, depending on their age, tray size and soil aspect. Check your seedlings daily and merely water them when the summit soil has completely dried out and the trays feel lighter. You tin lesser water or spray water from above – or a combination of the two.

It'southward easy to kill your indoor seedlings with love (a.yard.a overwatering), but before you pick up your watering can, you need to cheque the signs and see if your baby plants are truly thirsty. Here's what to expect for:

WHEN to water: signs your indoor seedlings need watering

Your growing surround, as well every bit your seedlings, volition requite you clues on when to water if yous really know what y'all're looking for:

  1. The top 1cm of the soil is dry and turning a lighter color.
    If you cheque the humidity past sticking your finger inside the container or trays (conscientious as not to disturb the roots), you'll find that the soil mixture is not completely dry all the way down.
    A dry layer of soil on top is a skillful indicator that it's fourth dimension for watering, and information technology'due south likewise a skilful manner to prevent green mold or algae from forming on top of the surface.
    Always wait for the top soil to dry out out in between waterings.
  2. The trays are starting to feel lighter.
    To ostend that the soil mixture is drying out, yous tin can lift the trays and feel their weight.
    Module trays should feel heavier when waterlogged and very light when completely dry. You'll soon learn the optimum weight through trial and errror.
  3. Immature seedlings are starting to expect droopy and leaves on older seedlings won't expect as plump.
    Immature seedlings suffer the most from h2o variations, and when they're starting to become soft and look like they're wilting, they need water immediately. Endeavor to proceed them under observation and not permit them to get to that phase.

HOW OFTEN to water your indoor seedlings

On average, your seedlings volition need watering every 48 hours. H2o them daily or twice a mean solar day, and you chance getting poor formation or illness. So information technology's best to err on the underwatering side.

When they're young, seedlings need more than consistency. Young, modest seedlings start their life in small module trays which don't agree on to a lot of water and tend to dry out speedily. That'southward the most sensitive part about starting seedlings – finding the right sized tray so that it'south space-efficient while too providing enough h2o and room for roots to develop.

The smaller the module tray, the harder it is to get watering correct. So check your seedling every mean solar day, even twice a day at first, and only water when yous see the signs described to a higher place: dry out summit soil and light trays. Don't overwater thinking you're giving your seedlings extra moisture to last them longer, information technology doesn't work that way and also much h2o will deprive their roots from oxygen.

At present let's accept a look at how to h2o older seedlings. Seedlings that need to spend longer periods indoors – like peppers and tomatoes – benefit from larger containers. We either start the seeds in larger nursery pots or move them into bigger containers one time they've grown to a decent size.

Watering rules for larger containers are different – y'all tin can water the older seedlings grown in larger containers as piddling as twice per week. A good rule of thumb is to stick your finger within the soil. The "finger dip" test is also used with house plants – if the soil is dry up to the first finger knuckle, it's best to water your seedlings.

five factors that influence the need for watering

Just like outdoor seedlings take to withstand temperature variations, current of air, rain, or drought, so exercise your indoor seedlings, but on a dissimilar level.

The microclimate y'all've created inside your growing room volition affect how much water your seedlings volition need:

  1. Temperature – most seedlings need college temperatures to germinate – 68F to 86F (20C to 30C). This means that you'll either warm up your room or use heating mats underneath your trays. To forestall h2o from evaporating too fast, stop using heating mats as soon as the seeds have germinated or plough the heat downwardly to below 68F.
  2. Type of abound lights – fluorescent abound lights give out much more heat compared to LED ones. You also demand to keep them much closer to the soil surface which can upshot in quicker evaporation. Continue this in mind when using these types of lights.
  3. Soil mixture – non all seed starting mixes are created equal. Compost is great at retaining moisture but poor with draining. Coco coir and peat moss drain well and will retain water, just in one case completely dry, information technology'southward difficult to become them rehydrated over again.
  4. Tray or container size – small module trays endure from quick evaporation, while bigger containers don't need watering as oftentimes, merely have up more space underneath your lights.
  5. Room ventilation – improper ventilation and overwatering are a fatal combination for seedlings and ofttimes atomic number 82 to damping off and green mold growth.

HOW to all-time water your indoor seedlings

You can h2o your seedlings in one of two ways, and each accept their purpose:

Elevation watering or misting

Misting is reserved for starting seeds, when your acme soil needs to stay relatively damp. You lot can mist the surface daily or use a humidity dome – either manner is fine. Once y'all see seedlings popping up, reduce the amount of misting – y'all may meet some uneven germination, so keep misting from above for a couple more days until most seeds have germinated.

If it'south been more than a week and just a few of your seeds have germinated, top misting won't aid anymore. You lot probably accept an consequence with old seeds or you've overwatered your soil mix for likewise long, causing seeds to rot.

Bottom watering

This is the preferred method of watering for indoor seedlings. For bottom watering, elevator the module tray upwards, enough for a watering can nozzle to fit, and pour water inside the bottom tray. Fill up the trays with about 1/two inch of water. Expect for 20-30 minutes, check if all the water has gone, and either add some more than or pour the excess water out.

You tin can also cheque the trays to run into if they're heavier. The elevation soil will be dry for a while and won't plough wet right away, but information technology might do so in a couple of hours, depending on how much water yous added.

Seedlings in larger containers will as well benefit from bottom watering, but the primal thing to mention here is that you don't need to see your tiptop soil turn moisture. Use the finger dip exam every twenty-four hour period to come across if their h2o levels are ok.

Soil troubleshooting

If you lot're using peat moss every bit your seed starting mix, you may notice some issues when going also long in between waterings. When peat moss completely dries out, information technology most looks like it'southward water repellant. You lot pour h2o from above and it seems to run off the surface. You water it from the bottom and it doesn't expect like anything is happening.

This is when your peat moss mixture needs a good soaking. Fill the trays with double the amount of water you would ordinarily add, and let the module tray filled with peat moss bladder within for about xxx minutes. If it doesn't appear soaked from above, repeat the process and also mist the soil from the top.

It's hard to detect the perfect growing medium, so I like not to exclusively use coco coir or peat moss, only besides mix information technology with some organic matter like vermicompost for added moisture retention and nutrients.

Tin can seedlings recover from underwatering?

Short respond – YES. If you catch underwatered seedlings in time, before they dry out completely, they will recover from overwatering.

Onion seedlings and more often than not taller seedlings are an excellent example of this. Whenever they endure from underwatering, they get limp and start to fall over, but spring support as presently every bit they've had a good soak.

You might recall that yellowing leaves are a sign of underwatering, but it'southward quite the opposite. It's overwatering that causes the about distress, drowns the roots and robs them of oxygen. Yellowing of the cotyledons (first lesser leaves) is perfectly normal though, and it'southward just a sign that the found is getting a little too old or too large for its tray.

Can seedlings recover from overwatering?

If you lot take hold of overwatered seedlings in fourth dimension, y'all might still be able to gear up the problem. Even so, prolonged overwatering will atomic number 82 to iii major problems:

  • Damping off affliction – a soil borne pathogen that causes rotting of the stem and affects roots on very young seedlings. Information technology only attacks seedlings in clammy and cool conditions. Once the seedlings fall over and rot at the stem, at that place's no more saving them. So if you notice this, know that they won't recover.
  • Root rot – if water is constantly left in the bottom trays, it tin can atomic number 82 to root rot. Seedlings affected past root rot will have stunted growth and yellow leaves. Eventually, root rot takes over the entire ball root and the seedling can no longer be saved. At this point, it's best to showtime again with fresh, healthy seedlings, rather than focus on saving weak ones.
  • Overwatering will too crusade mold to appear. Whether it's white fuzzy mold, green mold or green algae on height of your seedling soil, it's no good news for your seedlings. Fortunately, mold itself won't kill your seedlings, just it's a practiced indicator that the growing environment and water levels aren't ideal.

To assistance your seedlings recover from overwatering, bleed all the trays and wait for the top soil to dry out. You tin also install a ventilator or leave the windows open if it's not too cold outside. It may take a couple of days, but the excess moisture will eventually wick out.


Watering your indoor seedlings is one of those crucial skills that you have to master through trial and error. I've lost countless batches of seedlings to damping off disease until I realized what I was doing incorrect. But once I got my temperature and ventilation right, as well as learned to read the soil and wellness of my seedlings, I was off to a bully first. With inquiry and patience, you'll get there too.

How Often Should You Water Seedlings Indoors,


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