
How To Catch Bees In Raft

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In this guide to Raft, we'll show you how to become bees in a jar, build your own hive, and what wonderful things you tin make from the honey you harvest.

What is it nigh? In the survival game Raft y'all fight for survival on a raft and brand use of various animals. Besides llamas, from which y'all can get wool, you also have the possibility to breed bees and collect their love.

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This is how easy it is to catch bees in Raft – get bee jar

Where tin can I find bees for my hive? We'll explain how you build a beehive in second identify, starting time nosotros'll devote ourselves to catching bees in a bee jar. The best place to do this is on Balboa Island, the 3rd island you visit in the first story chapter of Raft. In order to catch your own bees on Balboa Island, you demand a cyberspace. Y'all can easily make information technology yourself:

  • 15x wood
  • 6x rope
  • 2x Vine Goo
  • 1x bolt

At present look for beehives on the island, near which in that location are swarms of bees. Yous can then grab them with the net. Merely be careful: the bees can sting yous. In addition, in that location are often bears in the immediate vicinity of the beehives, which yous should beware of.

If y'all grab the swarms of bees, you will get the item bee jar four to v times, depending on the size of the swarm. Collect at least 15 bee jars earlier returning to your raft.

Build a beehive in Raft and farm honey with information technology

How do I build and use a beehive properly? Once you have collected your xv bee jars, you lot can kickoff building your own hive. To beginning building on your raft, you will demand 20 wooden planks, 8x plastic pieces, 4x pieces of dirt and 2x hinges in addition to the multiple jars of bees. Now place the hive virtually a growing area that you take previously planted with flowers and so that the bees tin start working.

Depending on how many flowers are in the growing surface area, the bees will produce a certain corporeality of honeycomb. You need to water the flowers then that the bees collect their pollen, but the size and color of the flowers does non thing for dear production. You get the following number of honeycombs per eight minutes of play, depending on the number of flowers:

  • 3 to 5 flowers: one rummage
  • 6 to 11 flowers: two combs
  • 12 or more flowers: three combs
raft-bienenstock-bee-hive - Guided
Then sieht ein Bienenstock in Raft aus.

What is the use of honey in Raft anyway?

Food and healing supplies: Dearest in Raft serves not only as food, but also as a useful biofuel. Half-dozen honeycombs combined with one jar brand two units of honey. One jar of honey is enough to completely fill up the tank of 1 machine in Raft. Alternatively, you tin combine six honeycombs with 2 eggs and a piece of clay to brand a healing ointment.

So you run into, fifty-fifty if you lot have to put in a trivial effort to become your dear production up and running, it's definitely worth the endeavor. Because honey tin be used in many useful ways. With this in listen, we wish y'all every success in catching bees and offering you more helpful guides to Raft straight here on Guided.


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